

2013/03/31    Sunday           Rainy and windy

By a secular ceremony, I pray for a smooth and calm life in
the future. Today is the Easter Holiday, but my family is not Christians, so we
just have an ordinary Sunday. Mom belongs to Elain this weekend, she goes with
her everywhere as she needs. Elain often push around me just in her very loudly
and pitched voice, forbidden me do many things. Sometimes she is more terrible
than my mom.

I screwed up again and again in last week, which made both
Mom and Dad very angry, even crazy. They thought I did it on purpose, I was
just out of control at that time. Last Friday, I could not suck the noise up
and went out of the classroom, then threw a potted flower away. Which disturbed
and annoyed the supervisor of my school, I was in big trouble from now on.


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